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About Us
Welcome to The New Symmetry!Symmetry is a patented, physics-based program, which specifically focuses on pain relief through postural re-alignment. Symmetry separates itself from other programs not just by the uniqueness of the exercises themselves, but more importantly by the use of the Postural Assessment Tool (P.A.T.), a patented tool which objectively measures your specific misalignments. Through Symmetry’s patented software program, these measurements are calculated three-dimensionally to determine the specific stretching/strengthening positions required to correct those misalignments.
Symmetry, unlike most programs, can explain exactly how you came to have the issues you are experiencing and exactly how to resolve them. It is not generalized based on your symptoms; instead it’s an objective evaluation of your posture, followed by a personalized routine which creates a long lasting effect versus a short term fix. YOU get to heal yourself-a novel concept.
In our website you will find all the information you need to understand how you can permanently rid yourself of your chronic pain, in a safe, non-invasive, inexpensive way. If you do not have the time or patience to read this entire website, then please call us or email us so we can explain the program to you personally. Chances are if you are viewing our website you have tried many therapies. Symmetry has been affectionately termed “the last resort” as most of our clients have tried many treatment models with little to no success. We assure you that if you come in for the first session, you will not be disappointed.
The proof is in the methodology, philosophy, and most importantly, the testimonials. So, give it some time and consideration. After all, we’re talking about your quality of life!
Symmetry heals chronic pain by using the principle of physics. How? Because you are a structure around gravity and if you are out of alignment, then your joints become compromised. Would you continue driving your car if it was out of alignment? No, because the tires would wear out. What Symmetry does is objectively measure your joints and correct the misalignments through our patented exercise generating software system. You then get the great opportunity to heal yourself rather than relying on your practitioner for life!
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