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About Us
The Boone & Nolan Real Estate Group
Keller Williams Realty
DRE Real Estate License 01375191
Active Member in Good Standing of:
1.Placer County Association of Realtors
2.California Association of Realtors
3.National Association of Realtors
Made Masters Club Member Top Producer
2003,2004,2005,2007,2008 For Residential Real Estate Sales!
Continental Who’s Who for Outstanding Real Estate Agent!
Featured in the Sacramento Magazine September issues for top producing real estate agents in the greater Sacramento region 2003,2004,2005,2007,2008
Past Resume Includes:
Top Producing Agent for Kraft Real Estate, Sun Real Estate & Lyon Real Estate.
Expert with: BPOs (Broker Price Opinions) REO (Real Estate Owned)S.S.(Short Sales)
PSC(Preforeclosure Specialist Certified)
Continued Education Risk Management By Design, Ethics, Agency, Fair Housing,Trust Fund,
Back Ground:
We have a large team of real estate agents and assistants. Over the years we have developed good relationships with fantastic vendors i.e. Home Inspectors, Plumbers, Electricians, General Contractors, Handy Man, Pest inspectors, Lawn & Pool care, Locksmith, Painters, Carpet Installer and much more.
Coverage Areas Connties:
Placer, Sacramento, El Dorado
Web Sites:
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Products/Services We Offer
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One click Cancellation available within 15 days of purchase
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How to use offer
Get up with a delicious lunch and a beautiful view from your room.
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