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About Us
Our system is simple, effective and comes with a 10 year material and no clog warranty!
We clean your gutter and downspouts. We install our guard.
A “Hooded System” needed for excessive pine needles.
Leafproof’s™ multi-patented process works for you.
LEAFPROOF™ is divided into an upper and lower section by the patented “S” bend. The “S” bend allows the upper section to be bent to match the roof’s slope, while keeping the lower section relatively flat. The “S” bend also causes the water to churn as it flows off the roof. This churning and the slope of the lower section, significantly reduces the speed of the water.
As a result, the direction of the water flow may be reversed as it enters the water channel due to surface tension. This is similar to water flowing from a slightly tipped glass (as illustrated). The water then enters the water channel and drains into the gutter.
Some common gutter guards that do not work:
Most guards have a gap where birds and animals may enter and build nests (as pictured).
Squirrel’s and birds chew through the vinyl and build nests.
Ramco aluminum gutter guards.
Expanded aluminum rolled metal:
It only takes a few hand-fulls of leaves and a year or two for this to happen.
Low cost plastic screen:
This inefficient screen is quickly buried in it’s own leaves.
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