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Thousands of Satisfied Customers!
Drastically Reduces Air Conditioning
An Inexpensive Way to Keep Your Home Cool
Thousands of Satisfied Customers
Recommended by SMUD & PG&E
How Long Does a Whole house Fan Take to Cool Down Your Home?
The air in your home will be exchanged every 8 minutes by six steel blades designed to remove the hot air quietly.Just flip the switch on for approximately 30 to 40 minutes at the beginning and end of each day and enjoy comfortable living for less!
How Does It Work?
A Whole House Fan takes the warm air from every part of your home and replaces it with the cooler outside air.The Whole House Fan pulls cool air into your home through one or two open windows.The warm air drawn out of your home is pushed into the attic and out the attic vents; cooling your attic as well as your living area.Our fan is quiet!
A Whole House Fan runs less then 65 cents per day!When you use your Whole House Fan for 1 to 2 hours per day.It reduces your air conditioning bill dramatically.Same people have said they operate their air conditioning as little as 10 to 12 days per year!
The Whole House Fan does 2 things:
1) It completely exhausts the whole house and replaces the warm air inside with the cool air outside.
2) It flushes all the hot air out of the attic and replaces it with cool outside air.
In a 2,000 sq. ft. house, the fan will exchange the air in 4-5 minutes.
The Whole House Fan comes with a 10 year unconditional warranty including parts and service, provided by Whole House Fan.
The Whole House Fan is all steel. It has 6 balanced steel blades and a steel frame.
The shutter to the Whole House Fan opens and closes. It is all steel and the vents are felt tipped and spring loaded for quietness.
The Whole House Fan comes with a 2 speed switch (high and low) and the timer makes it possible for the fan to run up to 12 hours at a time!
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