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About Us
About Us The Folsom Youth Basketball Association (FYBA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of Folsom's youth through a quality recreational basketball program. Each year, the FYBA conducts a single season of basketball for girls and boys in grades 1 - 12 who live or attend school in Folsom. Because of the popularity of this league and the limited gym space available in Folsom, we can not accept any players after the close of the registration period. FYBA’s full registration policy can be found on the Policies page.
The FYBA is a recreational program. The league accepts players of all skills and abilities. Players will be placed on teams through a draft process that endeavors to create balanced teams with teams consisting of both experienced and inexperienced players to allow players with developing skills to learn by playing with players with advanced skills. Players do not need to have any previous experience to play in the league.
The league is divided into divisions with separate boys and girls divisions being determined by a player's grade at school. Divisions may be combined depending on the number of players registered for each division. Games and practices are held in school and city indoor gymnasiums. Players in grades 1-2 will have a combined 90 minute practice/game each Saturday during the season. Players in grades 1-2 will also play on baskets placed at 8 ½ feet rather than the standard 10 feet high. Practices typically last 45 mins and games 45 mins for these divisions. Players in grades 3-12 will have a single weekday practice lasting one hour along with a game each Saturday lasting one hour. Players should arrive at games no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the game with the appropriate color uniform worn to allow the game to start on time.
Eligible Participants The FYBA accepts all children in grades 1-12 who live or go to school in the City of Folsom. The FYBA is unable to accept any player that does not meet these requirements due to the limited facilities space in Folsom.
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