Professional Services Marketing Consultants


P.O. Box 1549, Folsom (916) 390-6282

About Us

FawcettGroup's Evolutionary Marketing Process is a methodology that includes step by step educational exercises that helps you learn “best practice” marketing so that you can effectively; develop, implement, and manage the marketing activities of your business. When you gain a stronger understanding of your prospects problems and the "true reasons" why your clients buy your products and services; you can then: • Serve your market better than the alternatives • Build stronger relationships with prospects & clients • Deliver more targeted campaigns Yielding higher conversion rates; higher conversion rates produce more revenue and faster sustainable growth. The knowledge you gain from the training classes and the workbooks packed with educational exercises will help you implement effective marketing for the rest of your entrepreneurial life. If you agree; let's meetup for coffee to discuss your goals and get to know each other. Select the date/time that best fits your schedule at I Look forward to connecting with you! -Mark Fawcett


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